The talented twosome have performed on our screens through X Factor and beyond.
They’ve now teamed up with and Glasgow’s Dhabba restaurant to give you a priceless night to remember.
Be pampered and wined and dined by two celebrities
Two separate winners will be treated to a bundle of K|Night, Betty Jo and Pain In The Sass perfume and aftershave gifts.
You’ll also be given a full three course meal with drinks.
Each winner will also be given a love book about Indian Goddess of Love Kamadeva.
In addition, you’ll receive a bumper pack of pressies from
Caitlyn has had hundreds of millions of hits online and once shared a flirty exchange with Justin Bieber.
She said: “When it comes to dating I’ve not yet met Mr Right so this night could be perfect in every way.
”As well as smelling nice we’re all going to leave our dates with very full bellies.”
Gregor Hunter Coleman, counts Nicola Sturgeon amongst his admirers, and says he’s had a whole host of bad dates.
He even had one where his ‘ex girlfriend ended up serving him and his date on a night out’.
Gregor can’t wait to play host with the most and wine and dine his winning date on Valentines week.
He said: “It’ll be a fun night and I’m more than happy to serenade my date on the evening.
I can’t wait to see what Lady Luck brings my way.”
Tell us your worst dating stories
Both Caitlyn and Gregor want to hear about peoples worst dating stories.
Two winners who impress with their tales of woe will be picked for a Valentines date with them.
Entrants must be over 18, and able to take their prize in Glasgow between February 13-17.
Willing candidates should send their worst date story and name, age and address to by February 11 2019.
As part of Valentines Day, toiletry company have reduced aftershave and perfume box sets by up to a third.
The Dhabba In Candleriggs is also offering the first thirty couples who book on Valentines Day a copy of the book of God of Desire Kamadeva.